9 reasons why thousands of companies order products from us
Guarantee of the highest quality
If you want to evaluate the quality of our products, we will send you samples for free.

Free samples for verification
We will provide free entry band and lanyard samples to verify the actual colors.

Delivery is possible via any courier company.

Fast order fulfilment
Due to our own production, we ensure the fastest possible fulfilment of your order. Orders for which the implementation usually takes 10-14 days, we are able to complete within one day.

Best Price Guarantee
We are a manufacturer. Due to the large production volume (over 100,000 product units per day), we can offer the best price on the market.

Guaranteed delivery within 24 hours
We guarantee all orders to be delivered within 24 hours to any place in Europe.

Free design assistance
Our graphic designer will prepare the design and submit it for approval. It is a free service that will make every project look professional.

Convenient online ordering system
You can place an order on our website by selecting the required options and criteria, such as: size, color, logo.

Fast contact
Our managers will reply to your inquiry within 5 minutes after receiving it.
Cintapunto in numbers
19 000 +
factories in three countries
offices in different countries
years on the market
Industry news
Summer Promotional Products: A Guide
What are some popular summer promotional items? As temperatures rise, customers at cintapunto.com start searching [...]
Tyvek paper wristbands serve not only as identification aids but also as powerful marketing instruments
Businesses on the cintapunto.com website purchase Tyvek wristbands to ensure event security and identify attendees. [...]
Cintapunto on the Rema Days 2023
The Rema Days trade fair, which is the largest advertising and printing industry exhibition in [...]
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Tyvek Wristbands For Nightclubs
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Cotton Shopping Tote Bag – what are its benefits?
Many marketing gadgets can be an effective tool for promoting a brand or service. It [...]
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What is RFID technology?
Everything you want to know about RFID technology Today we want to introduce you to [...]